This is a basic support group for people who went to WGU and are therefore now physically blacklisted from ever having a job in technology, or having ... (2024)

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This is a basic support group for people who went to WGU and are therefore now physically blacklisted from ever having a job in technology, or having ... (2)

This is a basic support group for people who went to WGU and are therefore now physically blacklisted from ever having a job in technology, or having any job for that matter. Share your experiences, insights, anything. Think of this as a basic AA meeting where we don't really judge anyone in this zone.

  1. 3 days ago



    Eli5 what is WGU I'm not a burger

    • 3 days ago



      It's an easy uni that ends up actually blacklisting you from getting employed. Many such cases

      • 3 days ago



        It's full of pajeets isn't it?

        I've known a few complete fricking losers who "attended" this school online, and it doesn't surprise me that you would be blacklisted for going here.

        • 2 days ago



          It only takes people living in the US.

    • 3 days ago



      Its an online quickie degree mill that OP thought would let him get a job. Unbeknownst to him degrees are just one of several checkboxes one needs to pass in order to get a job. He thinks getting ghosted while applying means he's blacklisted.
      Schizo behavior. He doesn't understand that it would be no different if he had gone to a state school.

      • 3 days ago



        Since WGU blacklists you, it doesn't let you get a job. A state school would though.

        It's full of pajeets isn't it?

        I've known a few complete fricking losers who "attended" this school online, and it doesn't surprise me that you would be blacklisted for going here.

        I think it is full of middle aged white people who want to do a "career change", the average age is 37 or something

        • 3 days ago



          >Since WGU blacklists you
          Citation needed, anon. You have repeated this claim for months. Time to put up some evidence. Any evidence. A screenshot of a job rejection email stating your university of choice should do.

          • 3 days ago


            I'm not necessarily here to prove basic facts though, this is just a support group for people who also got blacklisted. That would be like asking me to prove to you that the earth isn't flat.

          • 3 days ago


            How did the blacklisting happen . Does the school upload their alumni to a public do not hire list?

          • 3 days ago


            There is a negative public perception on the "university" because many of their classes are lower in academic rigor than actual university, and there are people who have "speedran" the degree in 2 months for a 4 year computer science degree. Despite this they have full accreditation, which is what even leads a person like myself or many other people to attend it. This is an institution that belongs in the "for profit, non accredited" category, which is typically what an institution of this type would be, and that categorization would be enough to deter people from attending it. Instead they actually get a lot of "students", but the students are unable to get a job after "graduating" because employers know enough to auto filter resumes with WGU on it, discarding them instantly with software. When confronted with this fact, some people say to simply remove the degree from your resume, but having no degree is the same as it leads to being auto filtered.

            That being said, I'm not necessarily here to prove this as it is just a simple fact, but just to have a judgement free support group with others who are blacklisted from the professional world because of going to WGU. Nor is this thread to complain, as there is no point in complaining about things which are said and done already and will not change.

          • 3 days ago



            Meanwhile everyone is literally cheating their way through college. Every college. UC Berkeley grad here and literally all my classmates cheated.

            Good on you for speed running CS OP

          • 3 days ago


            I'm not sure how good it is, actual uni sucks because it takes 4 years, but actual uni doesn't lead to being blacklisted at the end of it. With a place like WGU you technically have a 4 year degree at the end, but only in name really, not necessarily in practice.

          • 2 days ago


            Can you leverage WGU to get into a 4 year uni?

          • 2 days ago


            If you already have the fake wgu degree its better to just get an OMSCS degree afaik, it overshadows the fake degree and it's a masters degree from a top 20 school that isn't fake.

            there are so many. one approach is to figure out a department you want to work for and go to their website for information. maybe see what is in your local area. the only places I'd be interested in would be things like forest/parks services, that seems like a decent job. federal hiring is a comical process.

            ill check it out

          • 2 days ago


            Not my experience at all
            Maybe if you went there and coasted and didn't learn anything, you won't ever get a job because, well, you don't know anything about what you went to school for

          • 1 day ago


            Not my experience at all
            Maybe if you went there and coasted and didn't learn anything, you won't ever get a job because, well, you don't know anything about what you went to school for

            There are people who speedrun it like anon is talking about, but they're the minority. They end up not learning anything because how the hell do you actually learn all of the material in a course if you make it through in three days?

          • 1 day ago


            I'm aware that most people don't get it in less than a year. I am the guy who has his computer science "degree" from there and had my mistake actually ruin my life or whatever was left of it to begin with.

        • 1 day ago



          >white peopl
          they have a giant poster of a Black and his sisters

          • 1 day ago


            I'm speaking of the people who actually go there statistically, not the ads.

      • 2 days ago



        I went to a state school and make $150k in a 10 hour/week of actual work WFH job.

        • 2 days ago



          I dropped out of a state school and make $150k in a 10 hour/week of actual work WFH job.

    • 3 days ago



      chat gpt bro

  2. 2 days ago



    I graduated there 4-5 years and am making 360k yearly at a fang.

    If you have a different experience, it sounds like a skills issue

    • 2 days ago



      Nah, I'm glad you made it in spite of the degree though. It's a scam, sadly I fell for it.

      Not my experience at all
      Maybe if you went there and coasted and didn't learn anything, you won't ever get a job because, well, you don't know anything about what you went to school for

      That's good

  3. 2 days ago



    imagine the job you would have if you put this much effort into being valuable to society instead of schizoposting on IQfy

    • 2 days ago



      This is just a support group, not sure what that's about but good luck.

  4. 2 days ago



    This is a basic support group for people who went to WGU and are therefore now physically blacklisted from ever having a job in technology, or having ... (7)

    >tfw when you have been blacklisted from the professional world because you went to WGU

  5. 2 days ago



    It's just too good to be true, a 4 year degree in 8 months? What did you expect?

    • 2 days ago



      It was mainly this guy Josh Madakor who basically did it and apparently makes over 300k for microsoft and advertises it, and the fact that it can be done with minimal interaction with people. Still, should've known

      • 2 days ago



        You have to understand, if there is a secret to be exploited. Why would people share it to the world "for free"? Out of the charity of their good hearts?

        • 2 days ago



          Many such cases, many such cases

      • 2 days ago



        you could get that 5 years ago with no degree if you leetcoded. $150 base salary + 50k stocks that becomes 150k with the the insane growth 5 years ago. but the market is dying and companies arent interviewing randos of the street anymore. degree is still useless but you need 10 years experience in javascript to get anything

        • 2 days ago



          Yeah, I realized that but too late. I thought if that guy could get 300k I could at least get an offer for 50-60k and maybe move up in the future, only to find out that the degree physically blacklists you because of the bad reputation of it + the way things are right now

          • 2 days ago


            then leave it off your resume. theres no central database of what uni you attended

    • 1 day ago



      Alrighty, I'll specify here because because I did WGU and a brick and mortar graduate degree:
      Yes, it's possible to speedrun the CS degree at WGU in a single term (6 months). This isn't the standard, though. And yes, the degree program is not as rigorous as even a state school. Your final project for WGU is probably akin to a 1st/2nd year CS project. And probably not a final, at that.
      IIRC the final project was learning how to use matplotlib and an existing data training library to make a predictive model with a subject matter of your choice. If you're a NEET like I was, a single term cost 4 grand and you can complete the degree between games.
      Though it's worth noting that brick and mortar universities have the first TWO of your four years typically be irrelevant to your degree (I was originally going to get a math degree at a state school, but there were only ten math course requirements and the other 30 classes were all unrelated but would have cost me 30 grand to take).
      If you could speedrun final exams at a brick and mortar university, it'd probably only take you about a year. A lot of the time on those is artificially inflated with general education requirements.
      The actual utility of WGU isn't for when you're in your 30's and 40's looking to get your FIRST degree or to change professions. They do a bad job advertising it.
      WGU is explicitly for the following:
      >You are working for the government and need a degree to change pay grades
      >You are 17-19 and fresh out of high school, because graduating high school in May and having a "four year degree" in December means you can get away with a gap year of entirely personal projects and then apply for work with a year of experience and an accredited degree at the age of 20 or go to Georgia Tech/UT Austin's online master's programs and complete both your undergrad and grad school by the age of 22 for less than the cost of one semester of on-campus living at a state uni.

      • 1 day ago



        i did a mix too. brick and mortar and then wgu. i never felt challenged by the courses. just untreated manic adhd. made it impossible to study sometimes. luckily im just built Alternatively better so i passed every exam with minimal effort. i wouls take a lecture hall over staring at a screen anyday.

  6. 2 days ago



    do you have any skills op

    • 2 days ago



      That question doesn't really make any sense, that's kind of a weird question. That's too weird for me to answer

      • 2 days ago



        so no, you dont

  7. 2 days ago



    If you went to one of these rent-to-own colleges you are actually in great position to work for the federal government. they love that sh*t.

    • 2 days ago



      Likely still blacklisted, also which government jobs are you referring to

      so no, you dont

      It's just a weird question that I can't really answer, like that question is kind of weird

      then leave it off your resume. theres no central database of what uni you attended

      Leaving it off still blacklists you through resume filtering software though, there are roughly 3 categories: prestigious uni, regular uni, and WGU/SNHU/bootcamp/no degree. First and second category will be fine to get past the auto filtering software, third category is blacklisted. I'm not necessarily trying to fix the issue, I think it's kind of cool to be blacklisted so I think I'm ok with it

      • 2 days ago



        You arent being blacklisted because your degree is sh*t. You are blacklisted because you have no skills in the field you are seeking work in.

        • 2 days ago



          Not true

          • 2 days ago


            I guarantee you that if you fake your resume and put down have a decade or two decades of experience in your programming profession working for various companies that you would get a call back.

            I can say the same thing about the university that I went to, University of Houston, I never got call backs for my application, I'm a teacher now though through a online certification programming and the poorest district needs several hundreds of new teachers every year and thats where work is for me.

            You lack a great resume and experience and social connections. Try joining the coast guard or airforce or space force as an officer, it should only take you 6 months to get up to speed in fitness. and when you get vaccinated in the military always take n acetly cysteine to stop vax side effects for a few weeks prior and after the shot

          • 2 days ago


            I guarantee you that if you fake your resume and put down have a decade or two decades of experience in your programming profession working for various companies that you would get a call back.

            I can say the same thing about the university that I went to, University of Houston, I never got call backs for my application, I'm a teacher now though through a online certification programming and the poorest district needs several hundreds of new teachers every year and thats where work is for me.

            You lack a great resume and experience and social connections. Try joining the coast guard or airforce or space force as an officer, it should only take you 6 months to get up to speed in fitness. and when you get vaccinated in the military always take n acetly cysteine to stop vax side effects for a few weeks prior and after the shot

            You should screenshot this post and save it and print it out. Officer school is good, work for the military and retire after 20 years or 30 years and take NAC prior and after every mandatory vaccination for 2 weeks before and after.

      • 2 days ago



        >which government jobs are you referring to
        there are tons of entry-level IT jobs in assorted government departments. The people hiring there went to private college degree mills, too, and so they are fine with that. They do not want to hire people with real life success it will make them look bad.

        • 2 days ago



          Where do you get in at, which websites or job boards. I'm going to slam my resume on the table

          • 2 days ago


            there are so many. one approach is to figure out a department you want to work for and go to their website for information. maybe see what is in your local area. the only places I'd be interested in would be things like forest/parks services, that seems like a decent job. federal hiring is a comical process.

          • 2 days ago


            >which websites

  8. 2 days ago



    >Getting a job in technology at all
    >From anything besides the absolute best schools
    2010s ended four years ago now. WGU is probably still good for education or middle management, but tech in general is and will remain fricked.

  9. 2 days ago



    Ok anons, name drop some other institutions that are basically blacklist material

    • 2 days ago



      University of Phoenix

    • 2 days ago



      [insert name of city, or state name] state university

      • 2 days ago



        Lockheed apparently really likes Penn State graduates for some reason

    • 2 days ago



      community college degrees. use it to get to 4 year institutions, but don't put your associates nor your niche and worthless bachelor's degree they for some reason offered.

      • 2 days ago



        >community college degrees
        I'm assuming you mean associates.

        And agreed, they should be used to get into 4-years. But I have heard of people getting jobs with an associates in CIS and sh*t, maybe it was good in the past but idk if any gov jobs would be alright with an associates. I dont know if community college is "blacklist" material, more like "filter" material I dunno.

        • 2 days ago



          some community colleges offer bachelor degrees through specific programs

          • 2 days ago


            >some community colleges offer bachelor degrees through specific programs
            rare, not the norm at all.

          • 2 days ago


            that's what makes them worthless.

  10. 2 days ago



    A new schizothread is born

  11. 2 days ago



    I’m fine with it rather that than sit next to some pink hair nose ring troon or have to smell pajeets curry BO for hours. You just need better skills anon

  12. 2 days ago



    >blacklisting because of school choice
    wake up anon the ONLY thing that matters is experience. Lie about it.

  13. 2 days ago



    You are not physically blacklisted from anything because you did some WGU courses you fricking cry baby schizo. Quick posting this sh*t to try and make your own failures feel better.

    For everyone else, rest assured someone is dumb enough to hire you. It doesn't matter, just keep applying. Get a couple of good certs and some experience under your belt and you'll be fine. OP is giant hom*osexual who wants to blame his own inadequacies on others.

    • 2 days ago



      >he doesn't know

      I’m fine with it rather that than sit next to some pink hair nose ring troon or have to smell pajeets curry BO for hours. You just need better skills anon

      The school's model is fine with me if it weren't for the blacklisting

      > another tired, drawn out “my degree isn’t getting me jobs” thread
      Hey, anon. Welcome to the real world. You know how most people, including all the Abijeets, Pacos, and Jamals get their jobs? Through people they know. Especially the Abijeets. They get one person in any form of meager power, it’s over. Only Abijeets. Same goes for manual labor jobs. Paco and his friends exclusively get their other friends jobs in construction and actively try to sabotage whitey to get them out and another Siesta fricker in. Everything is setup so that YOUR CONNECTIONS get you places and that’s the simple way the world works. If you know, you know. You should have spent more time networking and making connections rather than simply getting a degree. It’s unfortunate that the world now works this way, but who am I to judge. I use it just like anyone else. Funnily enough, I was a TA at a type of school like this at one point. One of my students was exceptional and he and I hit it off immediately. He was a military vet (these schools prey on them for guaranteed GI bill payments). It was obvious to both of us that we were both speaking like someone from this basket weaving forum. I asked why the frick he was even in a school like this and he just wanted a paper degree, but he would do everything based on his abilities. That dude, who’s younger than me, is now a director of engineering. He got me my second job when I needed to get away from my imploding first job. I got my first job through playing WoW with the people I worked with as a TA (they played with people from their time at school that worked for my first real SE role).
      > tl;dr
      It’s literally who you know and nothing else. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

      I don't know nobody, so i guess it is what it is

      I guarantee you that if you fake your resume and put down have a decade or two decades of experience in your programming profession working for various companies that you would get a call back.

      I can say the same thing about the university that I went to, University of Houston, I never got call backs for my application, I'm a teacher now though through a online certification programming and the poorest district needs several hundreds of new teachers every year and thats where work is for me.

      You lack a great resume and experience and social connections. Try joining the coast guard or airforce or space force as an officer, it should only take you 6 months to get up to speed in fitness. and when you get vaccinated in the military always take n acetly cysteine to stop vax side effects for a few weeks prior and after the shot

      Lying about professional work experience would just lead to it being found out, though

  14. 2 days ago



    > another tired, drawn out “my degree isn’t getting me jobs” thread
    Hey, anon. Welcome to the real world. You know how most people, including all the Abijeets, Pacos, and Jamals get their jobs? Through people they know. Especially the Abijeets. They get one person in any form of meager power, it’s over. Only Abijeets. Same goes for manual labor jobs. Paco and his friends exclusively get their other friends jobs in construction and actively try to sabotage whitey to get them out and another Siesta fricker in. Everything is setup so that YOUR CONNECTIONS get you places and that’s the simple way the world works. If you know, you know. You should have spent more time networking and making connections rather than simply getting a degree. It’s unfortunate that the world now works this way, but who am I to judge. I use it just like anyone else. Funnily enough, I was a TA at a type of school like this at one point. One of my students was exceptional and he and I hit it off immediately. He was a military vet (these schools prey on them for guaranteed GI bill payments). It was obvious to both of us that we were both speaking like someone from this basket weaving forum. I asked why the frick he was even in a school like this and he just wanted a paper degree, but he would do everything based on his abilities. That dude, who’s younger than me, is now a director of engineering. He got me my second job when I needed to get away from my imploding first job. I got my first job through playing WoW with the people I worked with as a TA (they played with people from their time at school that worked for my first real SE role).
    > tl;dr
    It’s literally who you know and nothing else. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

  15. 2 days ago



    are you still fricking posting about this? just get your sh*t together man, this was months ago you started whinging about this

    • 2 days ago



      You are whining right now, you have to stop before you criticize someone.

      • 2 days ago



        >you have to stop before you criticize someone
        no I don't, where do you think we are?

        Also I already have everything together

        why do you need a support group then?

        • 2 days ago



          Yes, you have to get your own house in order before you criticize the world. As for why I'm here, it's just to talk to others who were blacklisted, because there's not that many of us left

          • 1 day ago


            It's not your job to criticize the world. It's your job to be merciful to those around you.

          • 1 day ago


            I didn't criticize the world or say that was my job

    • 2 days ago



      Also I already have everything together

  16. 2 days ago



    having a degree from a place like wgu is probably worse than not having a degree at all. dont @ me gay ass wgu shills

    • 2 days ago




      The absolute onslaught of poorly organized material that is D338 has given me a mental determination I didn't know I had, and then a day later broke that newly-gained determination. This course fricking sucks. I might even be ready to take the exam, but it's hard to tell when I have so little guidance to go off of. I should have done their cyber security bachelor's lmao, I'd have been done months ago. This cloud sh*t is hard. I'm so excited to rush through the cyber security master's. If it takes me longer than four months I will be embarrassed for real for real.
      Okay my brain is fried, time for bed.

      It's too easy

  17. 2 days ago



    The absolute onslaught of poorly organized material that is D338 has given me a mental determination I didn't know I had, and then a day later broke that newly-gained determination. This course fricking sucks. I might even be ready to take the exam, but it's hard to tell when I have so little guidance to go off of. I should have done their cyber security bachelor's lmao, I'd have been done months ago. This cloud sh*t is hard. I'm so excited to rush through the cyber security master's. If it takes me longer than four months I will be embarrassed for real for real.
    Okay my brain is fried, time for bed.

  18. 1 day ago



    I went to WGU and both got a job and accepted to conventional grad school from it.

    • 1 day ago



      What degree, what job, and when?

      Alrighty, I'll specify here because because I did WGU and a brick and mortar graduate degree:
      Yes, it's possible to speedrun the CS degree at WGU in a single term (6 months). This isn't the standard, though. And yes, the degree program is not as rigorous as even a state school. Your final project for WGU is probably akin to a 1st/2nd year CS project. And probably not a final, at that.
      IIRC the final project was learning how to use matplotlib and an existing data training library to make a predictive model with a subject matter of your choice. If you're a NEET like I was, a single term cost 4 grand and you can complete the degree between games.
      Though it's worth noting that brick and mortar universities have the first TWO of your four years typically be irrelevant to your degree (I was originally going to get a math degree at a state school, but there were only ten math course requirements and the other 30 classes were all unrelated but would have cost me 30 grand to take).
      If you could speedrun final exams at a brick and mortar university, it'd probably only take you about a year. A lot of the time on those is artificially inflated with general education requirements.
      The actual utility of WGU isn't for when you're in your 30's and 40's looking to get your FIRST degree or to change professions. They do a bad job advertising it.
      WGU is explicitly for the following:
      >You are working for the government and need a degree to change pay grades
      >You are 17-19 and fresh out of high school, because graduating high school in May and having a "four year degree" in December means you can get away with a gap year of entirely personal projects and then apply for work with a year of experience and an accredited degree at the age of 20 or go to Georgia Tech/UT Austin's online master's programs and complete both your undergrad and grad school by the age of 22 for less than the cost of one semester of on-campus living at a state uni.

      That's real good for you but I'm 21 and physically ruined my life by getting my "degree" from WGU. it is an instant blacklist

      • 1 day ago



        Compsci into compsci masters
        amzn internship into local firm job

        • 1 day ago



          Okay, but was the job without the masters degree and just the wgu "degree"

          • 1 day ago


            Yeah I'm still doing the masters

          • 1 day ago


            Then where do you get jobs at that don't blacklist you, where did you apply at, and how many apps before getting a job for you. Also if it happened in 2022 or before it makes sense because people weren't really blacklisted back then even if they went to WGU/SNHU/bootcamp

  19. 1 day ago



    I have a degree from WGU. I was an engineer at Amazon for a while and now I'm an engineer for a large multinational bank.

  20. 1 day ago



    Just get a Master's degree from WGU.

  21. 1 day ago



    wgu alumni, software dev here.
    mothers a professor for wgu as well.
    so i can speak from both ends. anon is a skitzo.
    he revealed a while ago he took the general compsci course with no specialization. he also is probably just moronic.

    i started out making 14$ an hour. then just going straight into 70k. now I'm much more relaxed at 55k. i have taken multiple jobs and never once had the place i got my degree questioned. wgu is not a good school, to me though. the professors arent teaching you. i had no real lectures. i hate that. its online portals quizes and exams. the main point that keeps them real, is that its all tied to national exams through comptia. you WILL learn. otherwise you will not pass these exams. every interview ive ever done, and ive interviewed for a lot of places. from the aclu to youtube, to the fricking israeli government reaching out to me kek. but the first part, are you a human. believe it or not. none of you are special. theres someone browner and smarter and willing to do the job for 1/4th your pay. but they lack human social skills which makes work easier, especially in a b2b environment. secondly, is them just straight quizzing you. giving you scenarios, seeing how you debug it. the most brutal is the whipe board. giving you a sharpie and actually writing out procedure. youre degree isnt blacklisting you. youre just skitzoid.

    sorry for typos, writing this on my fridge door.

    • 1 day ago



      I am blacklisted, and there is no such thing as a "professor" at WGU because it isn't actually a school even if it calls itself that. As for the comp sci degree, that is what most people trying to go into software development get to begin with, certifications don't help you become a developer, they help with cyber and IT. Why people choose comp sci is a question beyond my knowledge, it's just the standard degree people get to become a developer and jobs adhere to that as well even if it doesn't completely make sense. The degree blacklists you at WGU though, it is what it is. By even calling me moronic you are admitting a moron can get through the "curriculum", which discredits the "school" by your own admission.

      • 1 day ago



        it discredits all schools. ive met to many phds that are moronic.

  22. 1 day ago



    See you ni/g/g/ers in Orlando next month.

    • 1 day ago



      No, just no. are you really going there

This is a basic support group for people who went to WGU and are therefore now physically blacklisted from ever having a job in technology, or having ... (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.