Rise of the West - Chapter 1 - LiviaDamnvers (2024)

Chapter Text

Konohagakure no Sato – 5 years after Naruto Uzumaki's banishment

A pair of light brown eyes looked up at the sky, a small soft sigh left the woman's lips. She turned her gaze down to the village that she fought to protect. A blond ninja instilling the will of fire she thought was gone. But now? Now that Will of Fire has long been extinguished since the banishment of said blond. She had grown to love the boy like her own brother…even a son that she never had. He gave her a feeling that she hasn't felt since the death of her little brother…something that she thought she would never get to feel again.

Another sigh left the woman's lips. She spent most of her time now at the old Senju compound drinking her life away. A year after Naruto was banished, she stepped down as the Godaime Hokage and let someone else take over. She didn't care who took over, it could be Uchiha Sasuke for and she still wouldn't care. She had lost all love the village once held five years ago. Being a Sannin still required her to be on active reserve but for all intent and purposes, she was officially retired from being a ninja unless someone immensely dangerous happened to the village.

A small cough broke Tsunade out of her thoughts, the blond woman turned her head and eyed her black-haired apprentice, Shizune. Tsunade gave the young woman a look that simply conveyed, 'what'. Shizune sweat dropped before finally informing her of why she had bothered the sannin.

"Tsunade-sama, the council wants you to attend their latest meeting."

"Are they requesting or demanding?"

"Demanding, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade let out another sigh. Ever since the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, retook the mantle of Hokage after he and his family emerged from hiding away to protect his wife and new children from assassins and various plots, the council has been gaining more and more power over the years, mostly the civilian council. Under Sarutobi, the council had some power but overall were there to advise the Hokage and give input on matters regarding the Shinobi council. When she came into power, she let the status quo be. Towards the tail end of her reign, the civilian council grew bolder and bolder

Under Minato Namikaze, the civilian council was now arrogant, thinking that they had the same power and authority as the Shinobi council. Minato unknowingly let the council run rampant, unaware that he was a weak ruler in this regard.

"Fine," Tsunade groaned out. She had been afforded the luxury of not having attending many council meetings since her retirement. The blond had never liked them in the first place. Shizune gave the former Hokage a nod and quickly left the room. Tsunade stood from her sitting position, she quickly balanced herself, her vision spinning widely due to the alcohol she had consumed this night.

After the woman's vision stabilized, Tsunade picked up the glass flask that was set on the table and shook it. She frowned when no sake was inside, her frown deepened when she silently left the room. Tsunade made her way out of the Senju compounds and quickly made her way to the Hokage tower.

After about a minute or two, she appeared at two big double doors guarded by two ANBU members. Both ANBU nodded at their former commander-in-chief and opened the door. Her vision was greeted by two large tables surrounded by chairs that were occupied by the various clan heads and influential civilian members like bankers, merchants, big real estate owners, important blacksmiths that provide Konoha with their weapons, etc.

At heads in the room turned to her, at the head of the Shinobi council table she spotted the blond hair of Namikaze Minato, the red hair of his wife Kushina Uzumaki, and the three elders of Konoha Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, and the slyest of all Shimura Danzo. Tsunade had always hated Danzo. She knew of his known war-hawk personality and his various but unproven claims of undermining of Konoha personnel.

The old man was the main force behind the banishment of Uzumaki Naruto, influencing the council of bullsh*t charges which the civilian side of the council heartily agreed finally seeing a way to get rid of the demon that they hated. The shinobi side of the council was more apprehensive. Some clans didn't have any opinion on the boy while others hated the blond personally. Half of the Shinobi council had ended up voting in favor thus banishing a hero of Konoha.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Tsunade," Minato called out with a smile gracing his face. Tsunade didn't return the gesture. She crossed her arms and gave the leader of Konoha an annoyed look. "What was so important that she demanded my presence at this meeting?"

"This meeting is in regards to the Phoenix Merchant House. The merchant house of the Reunited Empire of the West," A low and calm voice rang out, answering her question. Tsunade recognized the voice belonging two Danzo. She had recognized both of the names that Danzo has voiced. The Phoenix Merchant House started appearing towards the end of her run as Hokage. They claimed to be from the Reunited Empire of the West, a land that had been war-torn for the past few centuries with several small peace periods in-between that never lasted long.

These men and women of the Reunited Western Empire were interesting. They described the main continent named Uturai but more commonly referred to as the Western Empire. Uturai was surrounded by small and large island chains. This men and women of Uturai were also interesting for another reason, their lack of chakra. These men and women walked around in plate armor wielding swords, shields, warhammers. The Phoenix Merchant House didn't wear these things, opting for a more mobile leather set with a sword or dagger tied to their belt.

Trade relations with the Phoenix Merchant House were on good terms when Tsunade had stepped down but from what Danzo has said, it would seem that relations have been frosting over.

"I left the Yondaime with good relations with the merchant house, what happened?"

Minato merely scratched his neck while Danzo just gave her a look, "They have been growing richer and richer at the expense of Konoha merchants throughout the Elemental Nations. The Western Empire and its merchant house have gained influence throughout the nations and have been growing more dangerous because of it. This meeting has been called to address this issues."

Several civilian council members who were merchants slammed their palms on the table repeatedly, voicing their support for Danzo. Tsunade looked at the members and she understood why they were miffed with the Phoenix Merchant House, they were stealing trade and profits from Konoha's very own merchants.

Minato looked at Tsunade, "They've been growing too powerful, Tsunade. Something must be done about this," the blond-haired Hokage stated. Tsunade snorted at her former predecessor.

"You are willing to sour relations and potentially alienate a potential trading partner and potential ally just because some civilian council members have their panties in a bunch?"

The said council members shouted insults at the former Hokage which just made Tsunade smirk even more. Danzo slammed his cane down on the ground quickly silencing the rowdy council members. "Even so, we must meet with this…Reunited Western Empire and assess their threat level for ourselves. If all goes well, maybe even establish an alliance and better trade relations. If not, we will send our ANBU on secret raids against their merchant house. All in agreement?"

Minato looked concerned while Tsunade gave a disappointed look towards the once great Hokage. It would seem he was merely a shadow Hokage with true power residing with Danzo. Uzumaki Kushina also looked a bit concerned but not as much as her blond husband.

Most of the civilian council voted in favor while most of the shinobi council voted no. Danzo saw this and gave some of the clan heads a look that promised them a thorough questioning. Danzo quickly tallied up the votes and let a tiny smile fall on his face. "The motion passes. Minato and I will pick the diplomatic group that will travel to the Uturai. I, Homura, Koharu, and Minato will accompany the diplomatic mission. They need to see that we are taking this mission seriously."

Tsunade snickered in her mind. The diplomatic mission to be taken seriously? Hah! Danzo didn't intend that from what she knew of the man. She thought that Danzo was accompanying the group along with the highest officials of Konoha to trick the Western Empire into thinking that Konoha had the best intentions, she knew Danzo never had the best intentions of another nation in mind.

Tsunade crossed her arms again and gave the elders and Minato another annoyed look, "It seems I was never needed here in the first place," she stated with an annoyed tone attached to her voice. Danzo shook his head in response.

"You are coming along with us, Tsunade. We want you and your apprentice, Sakura, to evaluate the medical training of these westerners."

Tsunade silently growled at the mention that she was accompanying the group along with the mention of her former student. She refused to teach Sakura just because the pink-haired girl was always abusive to Naruto and was one of the reasons for his banishment. Unfortunately, the council would have none of it and forced the girl on the medical-nin.

She was forced to teach the banshee medical ninjutsu. The girl would always demand Tsunade to teach her all of Tsunade's secret medical ninjutsu saying she was speaking with the authority of both councils. Tsunade merely snorted and laughed at her insane demand. The best medical-nin in the world would never teach her secrets to the pink-haired banshee. Of course, this led to Sakura stomping her way to the council to complain like a five-year-old complained to their parents when a sibling took their toys.

The council demanded that she teach this young medical prodigy the secrets to her techniques but Tsunade refused every time saying that no one in Konoha wasn't even remotely worthy of learning her secrets. This enraged Sakura, her sensei just told her she wasn't worthy to learn her sensei's secret techniques and that she wasn't a worthy student. Ever since then, the relationship between the two women was icy, the council would force the girl upon Tsunade whenever she would volunteer at the hospital in the hopes that Tsunade would change her mind and do what's best for Konoha.

Tsunade always refused the girl and the girl would huff in anger but leave to do her clinical rounds. Her thoughts were broken in much a similar way as when Shizune broke her out of her thoughts earlier, Kushina walked up to the medical-nin and smiled.

Kushina had always viewed the blond-haired woman as a sort of mother figure. Unfortunately for Kushina, Tsunade detested the habanero. Both Minato and Kushina abandoned a three-year-old Naruto after they were finished sealing the soul of the Kyubi into the young Naruto and the chakra into the newly born twins, Namikaze Uzumaki Nami and Namikaze Uzumaki Menma. They cited growing assassination plots by Iwa and Kumo along with various clans in those respective lands. They announced that they sealed the Kyubi into Nami and Menma and that nothing was sealed into Naruto. Both parents had hoped that this would make Naruto be seen as useless thus inconspicuous.

It worked…at the great expense of Tsunade's relationship with the two parents along with a newly banished Naruto who learned of his heritage when he was told by Tsunade shortly after his banishment. Tsunade asked if Naruto wanted to take the Namikaze name…Naruto's response was to spit upon that name and saying that they were no family of his.

"Do you think the West will be receptive?"

Tsunade shifted her vision to Kushina and frowned, "If the Emperor knows any of the deeds that Konoha has committed, then he won't," She replied. Kushina gave a sad frown, like Minato she viewed Naruto's abandonment as a necessary thing for the protection of her family.

"Aside from that…he can surely see that we've much to offer, no?" Minato butted in. Tsunade shook her head.

"If this Emperor rules this mysterious continent then he needs nothing from us. It's a continent."

Both parents gave the blond a look of confusion. Both Minato and Kushina were hopeful that they could build a diplomatic relation with the Reunited Western Empire. "Are you sure bringing Danzo along is wise, Minato?" Kushina asked with a low voice. Minato only nodded.

"His actions may seem…dark but I firmly believe he is doing what is best for Konoha, something I want as well."

Tsunade frowned at that. 'Danzo has you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he? By giving him more power you're only dooming Konoha further you fool.' Tsunade only grunted at her response. The former Hokage turned and readied to leave the room when Kushina was preparing another question. Tsunade's opinions of her former friends were at an all-time low and she knows nothing can bring that back up.

'If only you were here to pick up the mantle I left, Naruto…'

Uturai – United Western Empire – Kizu City

A woman in black and brown leather armor stood in a dark alley, two guards in white/silver armor stood at the entrance of the said alley. The woman read the piece of parchment in her hands, her grip tightening around the corner.

"You're sure this is correct, Godfrey?"

The now named Godfrey scratched his goatee and nodded, "It would seem they are coming here, Kara," The old man replied. Kara growled then tsk'd, "They'll never learn huh?" Godfrey gave a dark chuckle but grew silent after a second or two.

"Shall I inform the royal guard?"

"Yes. Inform High Arcan Dalius as well. His mages will be useful as scouts."

"At once."

Hand of the Emperor, Godfrey quickly left with his two guards. Master of Whispers Kara stood there for a minute contemplating the repercussions of the upcoming visit. She knew her Emperor was originally from this 'Konoha' and that this village banished him simply for doing his job. A frown slowly made its way onto her face, Kara let out a sigh and quickly left the alley.

Her vision was met by Kizu City, the capital of the Western Empire. It was the base of one of the most powerful warlords during the reunification war but was swiftly conquered by the Emperor when he used his chakra. The city has only grown since the Emperor made the city the center of his power base. Kara swiftly made her war towards the Royal Keep, she ignored the several disgusted stares that were aimed at her.

Elves were still seen with prejudice since they declared for the Emperor. Most civilians or even most humans have never seen an elf. Her people were an isolated one. The Elven kingdom's borders were always closed to non-elves. Kara sneered at some of the humans who were giving her looks, finally acknowledging them. Most of them quickly turned away from the master of whispers' gaze.

Arriving at the Royal Keep, she was greeted by several royal guards guarding the first gate. They eyed her and nodded. The metal gate slowly opened and she walked towards the second gate which was also opened for her.

Her vision was greeted by the courtyard where several of the royal guards training with other guards, several kids ran around the courtyard, the offspring of some of the high ups of the Royal Guard. "Kara!" A voice yelled at her, she turned and gave the teenager that was running up to her a smile. The dark skin and pointed ears of this teenager quickly identified her as a dark elf, a bastardized version of the elves.


Lainde gave the elf a big smile. Kara returned it in kind. The dark elf history was one of tragedy. They were a bastardized version of her own race, something the elves didn't take too kindly. An elven king decided to massacre the dark elven people leaving few of them left, thus making them quite a rare sight.

"When is the Emperor coming back?" The teenager asked.

"Several days. There are still some holdouts from the reunification war that he has to deal with. He comes back from the north once they fall."

Uturai – North Provinces – Siege of Stormholme Castle

The Royal Legions surrounded Stormholme Castle, catapults slinging large boulders at the castle walls while the Mage legion bombarded the walls with their arcane cannons. Several captains shouted orders to their units and legions while the Royal contingent stood at the back of the Legions surveying the siege.

"Naruto. Parlay?" A woman asked.

A man with long blond hair tied into a ponytail and two bangs at either side of his face with light scruffy facial hair was sat on his warhorse, regal golden armor glinting against the light of the sun. The young man eyed the siege and grunted.

"We offered them to surrender and no one would be harmed…they spat on my offer and promised that they would kill me. Continue the siege, Qora."

Qora eyed her emperor nonetheless she nodded. She pulled on the reins of her horse and rode to several of the legions to inform the generals of her emperor's order. Naruto let out a weary sigh. He hated doing this, he gave the people of Stormholme an option of peace but they declined. He needs to show the Northern provinces that he wasn't playing around.

A loud boom resonated throughout the battlefield, Naruto turned his attention to the source of the boom. The western wall was collapsing from the barrage of the mage's arcane cannons. His legions gave a roar of triumph, several of the soldiers close to him looked at him for orders.

"1st and 2nd Legions! Follow me! Let's end this!"

The 1st and 2nd Legions gave a roar at his command. Naruto's cavalry unit followed their emperor towards the breach. Naruto along with his cavalry were the first through the breach then his legions. Naruto was greeted by several arrows being shot at him and his men. Naruto tsk'd.

"Mages! Archers!" He yelled, pointing at the men on the balconies wielding bows. The mages that accompanied the two legions nodded. Purple circles appeared under the mage's feet and within two seconds, several purple arcane bolts appeared and flew from the hands of the mages at the archers. The archers screamed in pain while some of them ducked in vain. The balcony collapsed, burying the archers under stone rubble.

Naruto turned his attention to the balcony on the keep. Standing there was Lord Stormholme, the man had a grim expression on his face, he knew that he had lost. Lord Stormholme reached from inside the room that housed the balcony and pulled out a white flag. The man waved it around, the soldiers seeing this slowly dropped their weapons in surrender.

Naruto raised his hand and gave the order for his two legions to stop attacking. The order made its way through the two legions and to the main royal army. The catapults and arcane cannons slowly stopped leaving an eerie silence. Naruto turned back to the lord and eyed the man from afar, "Do you yield!?" Naruto yelled.

"I do, Emperor," the man replied, bowing his head. Lord Stormholme's men kneeled to their new emperor. Naruto tsk'd.

"Men! Take Stormholme into imprisonment! Any man that resists the surrender…kill them."

His legions yelled several 'Yes Sirs' before the moved about in securing the castle. The lord looked worriedly at Naruto, "You're highness…I have surrendered, why am I being dragged into imprisonment? Why kill my men that resist?"

"I gave you an option to surrender, you and your men spat on that. I need to make an example out of your to show the other Northern provinces that I will not tolerate rebellion," Naruto yelled across the courtyard. The lord nodded sadly, he had gambled on this battle and he had lost.

"Naruto!" Qora yelled, entering the breach and stopping beside the young emperor roughly, "our soldiers are fighting resisters. A raven arrived with a message for you."

Naruto took the small piece of parchment from the outstretched hand of Qora and slowly unwrapped it.

'My Emperor

I bring news from the east. A diplomatic mission is going to be sent to bargain with you. I know of your disdain for the east and its people. Godfrey has been dispatched to deal with this while High Arcan Dalius has been informed, his mages will act as scouts.

I humbly request you ride back to capital as soon as you can. I'm sure my Qora can handle the pacification of the North.'

Naruto growled while crumbling the piece of parchment. The parchment quickly ignited into small flames, the remnants blowing away with the wind. Qora looked at her Emperor with concern, "Naruto? What is it?"

"Your beloved, Kara, has given me news. The east will be here soon, I must ride back to the capital. Qora, you have command of the legions for pacification."

Qora's eyes widened but she nodded. She shouted several orders to some men then turned her attention back to the blond, "Tell Kara I love her," Naruto looked at the raven-haired woman and nodded.

"1st Legion! You're with me! We ride back to the capital!"

There we go! Hope you liked my first chapter. Uturai is more fantasy based, there are elves, dark elves, dwarves etc. Chakra doesn't really exist on Uturai due to it being a separate continent. Sage of Six Paths never went there, but there are people with chakra on Uturai who have migrated from the east, Naruto is one of them. Of and the reunification is still somewhat going on, the last holdouts are the northern provinces, I find it odd when in just a short amount of time Naruto can reunite the west when it could never be done before but *shrugs*. If you want to give me suggestions go ahead, I'm all for it! you can leave it in a review or PM me, I may not reply right away but I'll definitely try to. Oh btw. Naruto was 3 during the Kyubi attack while his sibling twins Nami and Menma were born during the Kyubi attack. He was banished when he was 15 making him 20/21. If you want to follow me on twitter for any story updates my username is LiviaDamnvers. Tell me what you think!

Rise of the West - Chapter 1 - LiviaDamnvers (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.