Iowa House passes bill easing creation of charter schools; Democrats object in contentious late-night debate (2024)

Stephen Gruber-Miller|Des Moines Register

Iowa House passes bill easing creation of charter schools; Democrats object in contentious late-night debate (1)

Iowa House passes bill easing creation of charter schools; Democrats object in contentious late-night debate (2)

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After a chaotic night of debate interrupted by an emergency committee meeting and an unsuccessful call for a public hearing, the Iowa House voted early Thursday morningtocreate a new method of forming charter schools in Iowa.

The measure, House File 813, wouldallow a founding group to apply directly to the state Department of Education to form a charter school. The bill would also retain the current method of applying to the local school board to create a charter.

Lawmakers debated the bill for more than five hours Wednesday night and into Thursday morning, voting on dozens of amendments, the vast majority of which were proposed by Democrats. The bill passed at 12:41a.m.on a 55-40vote. Republican Reps. Brian Lohseof Bondurantand Gary Mohrof Bettendorfjoined Democrats in opposing the bill. Five representatives were absent.

With its passage in the House, the bill is now eligible for consideration by the Iowa Senate, which has already passed a similar proposal as part of a larger bill.

The bill's floor manager, Rep. Skyler Wheeler, R-Orange City, argued it would promote innovation and allow parents to choose the best education options for their children.

"This issue is entirely about opportunity and choice for parents and student in the state of Iowa," Wheeler said."Parents know what’s best on how and where to educate their students and their children. Students all have different needs and perform better in different settings."

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Rep. Mary Mascher, D-Iowa City, argued against Wheeler's description of the new charters as "public schools," saying they would lack the kind of transparency, oversight and public input offered by public schools. She called the new option "taxation without representation."

"The second method for establishing a charter is very clearly a private option," she said. "This founder group option will not have any oversight by the public school board even though it will very clearly use state and local tax dollars."

The charter school bill is one of several "school choice"proposals that Republicans have been advancing this year. Gov. Kim Reynolds called for the change as part of a wide-ranging education package that also included setting up a taxpayer-funded scholarship fund to help some students attend private schools and easing rules for open enrollment.

But House Republicans decided to split up Reynolds' proposal into separate bills, and Rep. Dustin Hite, R-New Sharon, who chairs the House Education Committee, has said the private school scholarship idea does not have support from his committee.

Reynolds has already signed a law requiring school districts to offer a 100% in-person learning option.

Currently,Iowa has two authorized charter schools:the Storm Lake,Iowa Central, Buena Vista Early College Charter High School in Storm Lake and the Northeast Iowa Charter High School in Maynard. Both schools are for grades nine through 12.

More: More Iowans oppose than favor using public funds to pay for private or home schooling, Iowa Poll finds

Democrats accuse Republicans of 'cutting public education'

The debate became heated at several points as Democrats argued the bill would harm public education in Iowa.

"All we’re doing is cutting public education cut by cut by cut," said Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City. "Iwill not be supporting this fake public charter school bill, and I can’t believe my colleagues are going to support it, that you were talked into supporting it, convinced that this is a good move for our kids. Well, I’m sorry, it’s not. And shame on you."

Wheeler said the bill states that any charter schools that formed would be part of the state's system of public education, and would have to follow the same health and safety requirements and adhere to the same civil rights laws that traditional public schools do. They wouldn't be able to cherry-picktheir students and would be required to take all students that apply, he said.

"They cannot be religious," he said."They can’t charge tuition. They must adhere to the civil rights and human rights codes, they must provide special education services and they can be subject to the same financial audits, audit procedures and audit requirements as a public school district."

And Wheeler said the schools would need support from the community to survive.

"These charter schools are not going to survive unless they have people from the community going to the charter school and investing in the charter school, investing time in the charter school, etc."

Several Democrats who are teachers, includingRep. Sue Cahill, D-Marshalltown, spoke in praise of innovative programs offered at their schools and argued that Republicans should increase funding for public schools so they can more easily offer such programming.

"Our school district, our school board, our community, our teachers, our administrators, our parents, have worked together to provide innovations to meet student needs," Cahill said. "The founding group model that reports to the State Board of Education does not allow for the taxpayers of the district to have a voice in how their tax dollars are spent. The founding group is not elected. The State Board of Education is not elected. They operate outside of the school district. Where is the accountability in that model?"

Wheeler said Republicans believed it was important to give people the option of forming new charter schools without first getting permission from a local school board. He likened it to giving one business veto power over whether another could open in the same town.

"If we went ahead and said in the city of Des Moines Hy-Vee was in control of whether or not Fareway or Aldi’s got to come into town, do you think for one second that Hy-Vee would ever sign off on a Fareway or an Aldi’s coming into town?" he said. "They would not. It would be direct competition."

Impromptu committee meeting derails debate

Several hours into debate on the bill, Rep. Chris Hall, D-Sioux City, called a point of order, arguing that the bill needed to be considered by the Appropriations Committee before it could pass because Republicans had added an amendment requiring the state to pay certain costs for students transferring from home school or private school into the charter school system.

After several minutes of discussion, Republicans agreedand called an impromptu committee meeting.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. House File 813 is basically the charter school bill that we’ve been debating upstairs," said Rep. John Wills, R-Spirit Lake, in his opening commentskicking off the meeting.

Hall and other Democrats used the committee meeting to ask about the total cost of Republicans' amendment, which would require the state to pay the first year of costs of students transferring from home school or private school to a charter school. There is no current estimate for how many students could end up in that situation if the bill becomes law.

"To my colleagues, I appreciate your grace in coming down here on a late night ..." Hall said in the meeting, which was held at about 11:10 p.m. on Wednesday. "I see heads being shaken at me, and so I’m sorry if some of you feel disappointed in being here."

Hall then called for a public hearing to be held on the bill— a request he was eligible to make because the bill was referred back to committee. But Republicans voted to suspend the House rule that allows for public hearings, instead continuing with floor debate on the bill and setting a hard cutoff of 12:15 a.m. Thursday to end the discussion.

"It's disappointing Republicans were unwilling to hear from Iowans about their plan to shift money away from public schools," Hall said in a statement. "Instead of passing this bill in the middle of the night, we should be working together to make sure our students get the support they need."

Melissa Deatsch, a spokesperson for House Speaker Pat Grassley, R-New Hartford, accused Democrats of trying to delay the bill's passage.

"This was a disingenuous request by the minority party intended only to delay passage of a bill to provide additional parental choice in education," Deatsch said.

Stephen Gruber-Miller covers the Iowa Statehouse and politics for the Register. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 515-284-8169. Follow him on Twitter at @sgrubermiller.

Iowa House passes bill easing creation of charter schools; Democrats object in contentious late-night debate (2024)


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