How old is the earth? (2024)

The truth is that Jesus made the wine good in seconds and so He also created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and said it was good.
The problem with science is that they look at everything pretty much through the lens of the evolution theory rather than at the evidence with His words in tow.

Like the creation of the heavens did not occur until day 4 where He created the heavenly objects in the heavens and commanded her lights to shine on the earth that day and so by His word, the heavens were created and her lights were shining that day on earth. So science cannot determine the age of the earth by how fast light travels when like the wine, God commanded her lights to shine from those newly formed universe on the earth that 4th day.

Earth did not exist on day one. Time as in "the beginning" was created that first day with its evening and morning that first day by the light that was created.

God started to create the earth by creating gravity ( that firmament that divides the water ) to divide the water thus winding up with a water planet ( one firmament ) and the upper atmosphere ( the other firmament ).

But note how God did not say it was good that 2nd day? That is because He was not done creating the earth until day 3 when He laid down the foundations of the earth Job 38:4 which should dispel the false notion that earth was devastated and under water.

You cannot have God resting on the 7th day from all His creation if we continue with that erroneous narrative of believing God created the heavens and the earth and time passed before actual day one for then that would not be the truth for Him resting on that 7th day from all his creation.

Genesis 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

That false science, the evolution theory, is being used by the devil and the world to cover up all evidence of the Biblical global flood.

Seeing how certain “facts” in that false science called the evolution theory, keeps getting back-peddled and rewritten, when we leave the word of God alone, by the grace of God and His help, mankind will find that the Bible was right from the beginning all along.

The dinosaurs had existed with mankind. The behemoth in Job 40:15–17 fits the description of a dinosaur where in verse 17, its tail moves like a cedar which is a tree.

And the latter part of that verse 17 testifies to the male dinosaurs sex organs as being internal which “science” only discovered in the last decade.

So since the Bible testify that the behemoth as that dinosaur that existed with mankind, then there would be evidence of mankind having seen a dinosaur, right?

At this link is a carving of a stegosaurus on an archway in an ancient ruin in Cambodia.

Dinosaur of Ta Prohm
Hoax, mistake, or evidence of dinosaurs in human times?

That false science called the evolution theory that the accuracy of their carbon dating results is based on the assumption that there was no global calamity within the last 55,000 years, thereby overlooking the Biblical global flood for WHY their dating results ARE NOT accurate and conflicting.

A living mollusks has been carbon dated as 2,300 years old dead. Contenders argue that science do not carbon date living things, but they can deny it all they want; it is a fact that science had done it.

Some dinosaurs fossils have been carbon dated as 1,000 years old while other, 100,000 years old. Again contenders will say that they do not even bother testing dinosaurs fossilized bones but again, all they have to do is search the internet and find that science did in deed tested them.

These 2 points proves what the devil is using that false science for, to cover up all evidence of the Biblical global flood.

Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionist, debunked gradual macroevolution because of the huge gap in the fossil records of “transitional fossils” by proposing “punctuated equilibrium” or “rapid macroevolution”.

From that proposed theory, he surmised that an explosion had to occur in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period and that a global flood was responsible. When I brought up that point, contenders would say that he never said it was a global flood that covered the mountains and they are right. Try as I might, I could not find any indication of how high his proposed global flood was.


At various mountaintops all over the world, including Mount Everest, there are marine fossils. That false science explanation is that the tectonic plates caused the mountains to rise from the sea.


At the Andes Mountains, fossilized whale bones with other marine fossils were found buried TOGETHER with fossilized land animal bones in one smooth gradient, meaning, they were both fossilized under that same sedimentary layer.

While they tried to explain it away with tectonic plate upheaval, you will note that they have no explanation for how the land animal fossils were found buried with them.
One scientist testified that this was an unusual find because such tectonic plates upheaval would destroy fossil beds.

''We are in some haste to prepare a paper describing our discovery,'' Dr. Novacek said. ''In science, it is important sometimes to stake one's claim.''…

Assemblages comparable to this are virtually unknown in the Andes, he said, since geological upthrusting generally destroys fossil beds. 'Remarkably Intact' Fossils. ~~ end of quote

This is what happens when science keeps looking at everything through the lens of the evolution theory as missing the obvious since there are fossil beds all over the world at various mountaintops.

So the evolution theory is a lie and the Bible is true. No need to change the Bible for that false science.

1 Timothy 6:120 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Ame

How old is the earth? (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.