Friday, November 27, 1998 Globe-Gazette B11 310 310 310 420 420 458 510 590 706 Mason City Mason City Mason City Employment Employment Employment Aprs. For Rent Apts. For Rent Duplexes For Rent Houses For Sale Farm Land For Sale Christmas Trees HOLTZ REALTY 409 N. Federal 423-9111 or 423-5866 I 6 RDM utils included, dep. ref tease 424-8265.
CEDAR CREST TREE FARM 3431 Lancer Ave. Osage. Iowa 515-732-4885 APTS for rent. Kit. Living rm, bath, appliances, carpet, cable, security, laundry, various addresses.
424-6722 SIDE by side duplex 2 bdrm. new carpet, stove, refrig. off street parking. Located at 116 15th NE. Rent $350.
Deposit $350 Call 424-5772. FARM FOR SALE 150 2-94-22 148 till. Yield 120 CSR 70, co*klwell Banker Huff Realty 515-423-0414 Telemarketing OUICKTRANS INCORPORATED a manufacturer of industrial heat transfers, has an opening for an enthusiastic sales professional. Pay based on experience. Benefits include daytime hours, paid vocation and holidays.
40 IK and health Insurance. Call 515-424-1511 and ask for Amie. 6 mmsm 401-6C 1 Sales HEALTH INSURANCE SALES REPS Complete trainingbenefits. Free leads. Compare our products, benefits opportunities in this area.
Now hiring. Fax 515-225-01 72 or send resume to John Montagne; 1701 48th Street. 202; West Des Moines. IA 50266. Skilled Trade TIRED OF JUST A JOB? Want a fun, rewarding CAREER In just one year? Want to talk about a financial aid package that could pay for it? It's all here right now.
Call La' James College 424-2161 ask for Susan Temporary MANPOWER has Immediate openings at Grain Milers In St, Ansgar, IA, for the following positions: 1st, 2nd, 3rd shift packaging 12 hour production work (work 4 daysget 4 off)must be able to lift a min. of 50lbs lst 3rd shift production work'must be able to lift a min. of 50tbs 2nd shift forklift driver Call Manpower of Albert Lea for an interview todayl 1-800-371-1262 Retail APPAREL-RETAIL Part time, pleasant working conditions. Opportunity to team all aspects of retailing. Must be free to work anytime between 10 am and 5 pm.
No Sundays. Apply in person. PM only. Dawne't Downtown Clear Lake Retail FULL time assistant manager. Starting pay S8 per hour with excellent benefits.
Apply in person at Handy Shop, 106 S. 4th Forest City, IA or call 515-582-5518 Security PINKERTON SECURITY Immediate part-timefull-time security officer positions available. will train. Hours to be arranged. Physical, drug screen required.
Must be 18 years of age, free of aggravated misdemeanor, felony, domestic abuse, stalking. Uniforms will be furnished. Excellent benefits package. Apply at Algona Workforce Development Center, 117 East Call Street, Algona IA 5051 1 Phone 515-295-7219 EOEAAMFDV The Globe-Gazette is 1 carrier contractors in the following area. Join North Iowa leading team of carriers.
1-2 BDRM opt In tri-plex. Refrig. stove incl. Elec pd, $195. mo.
2 BR apt in duplex, stove, refrig, utils $295., 357-2999 2 BDRM apt. Nice size LR 8t DR. stove refrig included. No pets. $325.
423-9456. 2 BDRM stove, refrige. no pets, days 424-2376, night 8i weekends 421-1571. 2 BR In newer 4 plex. S375 Incl.
heat water. Ref dep req. No pets. 424-1752. 423 Clear Lake Apts.
For Rent 1 BDRM, immaculate, garage, no pets. Call 423-4802 1 BDRM, refrig. 8t stove 8t water $250 elec. Dep. req.
357-1 729 aft. 3:30 2 BDRM apt. on lake. Year around. No pets.
$400. 515-829-4445. FOR your rental needs call First Northern Realty 357-6166. LARGE 1 bdrm upstairs apt. Deposit.
$300 utilities incl. No pets. 357-4587 426 Retirement Rentals TAKING Applications for future reference. 1 BDRM unit In Hud Subsidized senior complex. Must be 62 yrs.
or older and self sufficient. No pets 424-0437. 440 Offices For Rent 1ST FLOOR Office Includes heat and AC. Will remodel to suit. 424-6722.
NEWER OFFICES for rent, to inquire call 422-1025, 424-8293. PRIME OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN PETERSEN PLAZA. Call KEN PETERSEN 423-8660 445 Business Property For Rent 3,600 SO. FT of office and warehouse space, loading dock, for rent or sale, 423-4372. COMMERICAL SPACE near downtown mall.
Avail. June 1. 1000 sq.ft. 423-6563. EXCELLENT downtown retail location.
2200 sq. full bsmt. off st. pkng. close to new Fareway.
immediate possesion, call Tom- at RE-MAX 423-74)8 EXCELLENT downtown location. 4400 sq ft. Great display windows. Or could divide Into 2200 sq ft. Front rear parking.
Rent negotiable. Call Tom at 423-7418. NEWLY REMODELED retail office, CA, parking. 2200 sq. tt.
basem*nt Call 425-2682. 3 BDRM ranch, new carpet, washerdryer 1st floor, insulated wed. $50,000 obo. 699 South Pierce. 423-9410 IMMEDIATE RepoMust sell: 2 brand new R30 insul.
prefab home pkgs. Highest quality. EZ const, on your lot. Never erected. 1 is 4 bdrm.
Details 512 Clear Lake Houses For Sale WHY USA Mainstreet Realty Clear Lake, 357-6141 "990 Sells Homes" 514 Area Houses For Sale (DecHie 9hOs 530 Mobile Homes BY OWNER: "95 Dutch, 16x72, 3 bdrm, 2 bcrtti. Pt1ro tocot. $20,000. 423-7708 down $200day soML 2 BDRM new kitchen counter sink counter top. new (vnq rm carpet, targe deck.
10x10 storage shed $2.000. 357-7845 99 28x44 3 BORM $34,277. 99 14x70 3 br, I both, $18,900 Horkheimer EntorprisM 1 -800-632-5986 550 Real Estate Wanted RESULTS Home Buyers S.D.R. Inc. wants houses to BUY, Any condition, any price.
Call 515-423-8183 575 Condos For Sale JUST LISTED. 2 bdrm condo on Briarstone Lake, garage, elevator. MUST SEE! KNUDT-SON REAL ESTATE. 423-0881. REDUCED TO $59,900 (WHAT A BUY!) 2 bdrm condo in Clear Lake.
KNUDTSON REAL ESTATE. 4250881. 585 Acreages For Sale ACREAGE FOR SALE 2 ml NE of Jotce. IA. 3.2 acres 3 bdrm home, dbl garage.
Interior completely remodeled in 1997. Listed price $60,000. For more details call Ertz Assoc. Ins. 8t Real Estate.
515-692-4403. NEW LISTING! 1 acre with newly remodeled Vk story home. Large kitchen. Perm, siding. 3 st.
garage. KNUDTSON REAL ESTATE 423-0881 AUTUMN Park Apts, 710-780 S. Pierce Mason City, IA. 1 Bdrm for qualified seniors, utilities paid, pets allowed, call 424-9845 for application. Equal Housing Opportunity.
AVAILABLE 3 BR Townhouse. Brand new in '97, CA EHO, 421-7813 CENTRALLY located 1 Bdrm no pets, no smoking, days 357-2121, Kent 357-7539 or Tom 357-7900. COLONIAL APTS, 2 bdrm units avail. Security, builld-Ing, heatwtr pd. lease, no pets, call Teresa.
Ask about our move In special 424-0911 EFFICIENCY Apts. 416 N. Penn. 22 S. Adams.
$195, $250 $265. Refs. no pets, all utll. pd. 423-2598 EFFICIENCY, upstairs stove refrig, utll furnished.
No Pets Available now. Close In. $250 mo. 423-9410 EFFICIENCY 3 rooms, appliances, laundry. AC, security.
More practical than motels or sleeping rooms. 1 BDRM Quality, clean, appliances, laundry, security, HUD approved, cable. 2 BDRM New high quality, security, all amenities. VARIOUS locations available now. 424-6722 LARGE efficiency apt, off street pkg.
stove, refrig utill turn. $275 mo. No pets. 404 N. Madison.
423-7792 LARGE 1 bdrm apt. $325 rent. $325 deposit. Heat water pd. 9)4 N.
Federal. 424-0515 LARGE 1 bdrm upstairs apt. No pets. Deposit. $350 Including utilities.
The Rodriguez Co. 423-3232 MASON CITY OR ROCKWELL Efficiency. 1 or 2 bdrm apts. Utils fum. 423-2680.
NICE 2 suitable for Senior Citizens. S385mo util's (optional garage). Call uevme Apts- SPACIOUS 1 Bdrm Duplex, near Hospital, garage, no pets, no smokers, $335. 424-1271 TWO -1 bdrm apts wgaroge. $300 mo dep.
Stove refrig fum. 424-4759 eves. UPSTAIRS 1 bdrm, stove, refrig, heat, water fum. Located at 1409 N. Madison.
Rent $275. Deposit $275. Call 424-5772. 1 BDRM 2nd floor. $250 mo elect.
Deposit. Joyce Schulter Realty. 423-0898 1 BDRM first floor, clean, quiet, laundry facilities. $275 elec. No smokers.
No pets. Depleaseref req. 424-9592 I BDRM, unfurnished, built-in kitchen, nice building, garages, 419 E. State. 357-6657 I BDRM 1st.
floor Ref. deposit req. No pets. Avail now. 424-9823 MASON CITY 500-800 Block of North Harrison, North Tyler, and North Van Buren North Crescent Drive, 200-300 Block of North Taylor and 1 000 Block of 3rd Street NW 600-800 Block of South Pierce and 8th Street SW 700-1 100 North Monroe North Monroe Place, and North Quincy Ave.
900-1 1 05 North Polk North Taylor Ave, North Tyler Ave. 1 900-2200 Block of South Harding Ave South Wilson South Taft Ave. 1 200-1 300 Block of North Adams North Jefferson, and North Madison 1 400-1 600 Block of North Adams Ave; North Jefferson and North Madison 1 000-1200 Block of West State Street, 1 st Street NW and 1 0-1 00 Block of North Taylor Ave. 600-800 Block of South Pierce CLEAR LAKE 300-1100 block ofS. 3rd St.
Green Meadows Trailer Court Park 500 Block of 18th St. West CENTRAL AND SOUTHWEST FOREST CITY VOCATIONAL SERVICES DIRECTOR Vocational Services Director for Human Service agency providing training and employment to persons with disabilities. Team management position with primary responsibilities of production operation, worker scheduling customer satisfaction. BA degree and management experience required. Competitive salary benefit package.
Send resume to NIVC P.O. Box 428 Mason City. Iowa 50402-0428 or FAX to 515-424-8681. The North Iowa Vocational Center is an wqual opportunity employer. ptusoHHiL stmcts.
1415 4th NW 515-423-5613 Open until 7 PM on Monday nightsi 140-year-old company is looking for a self-motivated individual to work with businesses and high net-worth people. Here is the opportunity to enjoy the control and unlimited earning potential that comes with working for yourself along with the satisfaction of helping others to secure their financial future. We offer extensive training and support. Products include annuities, life insurance, and disability income insurance, for use in estate planning, business planning, and pension and profit sharing plans. For more information, send resume or call 515-424-6265 Gary J.
Meehlhause District Agency 209 5th Street S.W. P.O. Box 618 Mason City, IA 50402-0618 For more information, call 1-800-call-NML ern The Quiet Company' C1 997 The Northwestern Mutual Lite insurance Mtaautue. Wl 7018-38 4 401-490 420 Mason City Aprs. For Rent AFFORDABLE LARGE Furnished unfurnished.
1BR S320-S335 Ceiling fans. AC, Laundry. No pets REGENCY TERRACE APTS 515-424-0110 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 423-4215 VERY large 2 Bdrm, up down duplex, utils fum, stove refrige CA. gar avail, no pets, landlord ref $450 515-822-3482 460 Mason City Houses For Rent BDRM house, neat, clean, perfect for 1 person, stove, refrig, washer, dryer. $300 rent utilities deposit.
Available now. 424-0251 2 BDRM full basem*nt. CA. first floor laundry wgar stove, refrige, washer dryer fum, no pets, near West Park, ref utils, security deposit 423-9189. NICE 2 BR.
CA. 2k stall gar. stove, fridge, no pets, ref $500 mo. dep. 423-4635 aft.
4 PM. 462 Clear Lake Houses For Rent 3 to 4 bdrm house. HUD approved. Available Jan 1. 515-357-5796 EXCELLENT Location.
Really cute, 2 BR, $450mo. util. Avail. Immed. 515-998-2182 485 Mobile Homes For Rent 2 3 bdrms.
$420 mo deposit. 424-6222 for more information. 5 501-595 501 Mason City MLS A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Professional Training Century 21 424-9400 em at SEARCH ONLINE REAL ESTATE LISTINGS FROM: AMERICAN REALTY BUSCH REALTY JOYCE SCHULTING REALTY RYE REALTY HOME REALTY GROUP LOOKING FOR A HOME? CHECK THE REAL ESTATE EXTRA FOR THE NEWEST USTWGS with a standard capacity. GREEN TREE RIDGE NURSERY 2151 Hwy65 Sheffield. IA 50475 51592-4776 JOHNNY PINE TREE FARM 1580 Underwood Avenue Charles City.
LA 50616 LOCALLY Grown Christmas Trees-FRESH, Mark Fisher; 3 Four Winds Drive Clear Lake, IA. HWY18W MILLER TREE FARM 1690 Raven Ave 3 mi N. on 65 out of Hampton to 180th St. Go East at Miller Sign Hampton, IA 456-4915, 425-7717 707 Firewood And Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Elm 8t Maple, some split.
$45 load. 1 Nissan 8c 1 Chevy bedliner. $75 515-749-2649. 717 Medical Equipment ELECTRIC wheel chair. Storm Ranger II, Excellent.
Condition. $1600. Electric Hospital Bed by 'Invocare. Excellent Condition. $600.
424-9916 720 Miscellaneous Access to 1000 classified ads Over 500 autos for sale Employment Opportunities One Simple Address BEANIE Babies-'98 Beanie Babies Set, (56) are retired, will sell as a set, 1 500.obo. 51S424-6008. BEANIES GALORE New store. Massive selection, Retired, currents, new releases starting at $14.95. Glory $24.95.
Peace $16.95. "98 Teddy $69.95. Mail orders OK. 535 2nd St Webster City, IA.50595. Ph.
515-832-7919. BEEF FOR SALE Home grown com fed beef. Can deliver to local locker for processing. Will sell Va, or whole beef. Sl.lOlb hanging weight.
Call Jim Thompson. 515-843-4142 COLLECTIBLE Sale, Fri 10-4, Beanies, $5. up. Barbies. Hallmark, etc.
424-5726 or 424-6569, 1003 9th St NE DSS 18" digital sattelite complete, $100.. Yamaha organ with fun mach, used 3 515-822-4772 best-selling full peace of mind. Avenue that never goes supercharged seeking independent Tj tut ri fuvn a THE 601 Farm Equipment Formal w6 ft Artsway mower. $1,500 obo. 515-661-2)68 JO 5 Shank.
BrfKlon Land Co-mander. demo Srrit Ag Service 515-358-6403 630 Livestock WANTED: good year around contract finishing facility. Pleasant Valley Pork. SwoJedate. LA 515-995-2343 635 Horses BAY Breeding stock mare, in foal to Black Tobiano, 6-yr old.
top side TB, bottom side goes to Painted Robinhood asking 9834450 7 701-796 706 Christmas Trees ALDR1CH TREE FARM 1941 Taylor Ave. Belmond 5 mi South, $20. All Christmas Trees in the field; Hrs-Noon until Dark; 515-853-2365 DON'T MISS OUT! PROMOTE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES HERE LESLIE OR CAROL 423-2274 OR 1-800-832-2274 GLOBE GAZETTE '99 Park sophisticated andsome THE TOWN OF LELANP NORTHSIDE OF BUFFALO CENTER GOODELL MOTOR ROUTE THE TOWN OF GOODELL NORTHWEST SIDE OF SHEFFIELD THORNTON MOTOR ROUTE ROCKWELL E. Main St. Globe-Gazette CIRCULATION DEPT.
1-800-433-0560 or 423-5600 H(dd pmui cum (99LeSabre Century GLOBE GAZETTE Starting $JQ m4r utttu WITH GLOBE-GAZETTE Starting At Buick LeSabre is a family favorite and America's size sedan, because it is designed to provide true Financing 36 Months nr inc 36 Months 'FULLTIME Buick Century is V-6 engine a luxury car for everyone and roomy six-passenger 99 Regal ADVERTISING CONSULTANT If to sell a desire to succeed a desire for your customer to succeed Integrity organized strong written verbal communication skills a team player tenacious, intelligent and creative a challenge a good attitude THEN CONSIDER We are looking for a person who knows how to listen and when to act, who will take the initiative to sell and service new and existing accounts, is self-motivated and can coordinate many projects. INTERESTED? THERE'S This is a full-time position in a fast paced industry. Your work must be thorough and accurate. You must be a team player with the desire to succeed. If you are the type of person who is driven to great performance and you want to contribute to the success of a team, please send your resume.
WE Strong earning potential, health and dental insurance, retirement plan with full matching 401 short and long term disability, liberal vacation, stock purchase options and much more. If interested please send your resume and cover letter immediately! StartingAt $3Q 995 osAt $22,995 Financing 36 Months Buick Regal has more standard safety features than any other car in its class at an exceptionally affordable price. Buick Park Avenue has an enduring elegance out of style refined, LOBE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO: Human Resources Mgr. Globe-Gazette P.O. Box 271, Mason City.
Iowa 50402-0271 GAZETTE tt.