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Anniston Star, May 23, 1957, p. 18 | NewspaperArchive (1)

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Anniston Star (Newspaper) - May 23, 1957, Anniston, AlabamaScoreboard Barons lose third new thai Cimfl few knew How to spell Reno let alone pronounce the but now Tam bait and feature writers and cameramen up in Young and never mind the the 22year old Detroit third baseman you surprising Spring not of the major Johnny Memale first saw Bertola on a Detroit sandlot during the summer of now general manager of the gave the italia born infielder spread out Over a period of three for his this could turn out to be one of the big baseball what did the in the then 18yearold High shool graduate he wore everybody recalls the onetime notre he had kids either hitting grounders or pitching to him All we had to keep him As a Bonus of and for two years he wore out our coaches the same Bertoia opened last season at second base for the but it was too much for so he was shipped to Charleston of the american where he batted in he wore out Frank the continues i Felt from the Start that a kid who wanted to play that badly miss wearing out the Hes doing he should last will Bertola keep on going there int a reason in the world Why he says the delighted fiery Jack remember that Reno didst get to play much until sent to the association last naturally i dont expect the boy to continue batting around by take my word for Hes a balls dropping in for him account for the other 100 Reno is much stronger than he looks and he looks plenty and there int a thing wrong with his he is not As big say Mickey but on occasion will hit the Ball just As he hit one Clear out of the place in Boston the other Day Over the left enter Field at this stage we dont want him swinging for the we want him to concentrate on just meeting the like he it so Strong that he gets Good distance even when he gets nothing More than a piece of the pills dont Hurt Bertoia can run and stood out in the Field from the time he first came he makes All the plays at third is going far to his left to take balls in front of the great shortstop Harvey a handsome six footer who weighs 185 has no explanation for his sudden says Hes swinging the same Bertola is a serious minded but has a delicious sense of he takes two of Trainer Jack hotels patented Tranquilin tag pills a half hour before each Points out that they most certainly Haven done him any Jack gives these pills to Al Aber for a muscle spasm in his Wys Reno maybe they work just the other Way around on lookouts drop 7 to 3 by Andy Atlanta up if Mumphu pitchers Tii Inge to stifle other Chou Neofa bitten like they have batting Champ stall the Chicks Hopes of holding their Lead in the Southern association will be much Winner of last years betting Roseboro set the Pace his year until the current Mobile bears acquire Koback from saints Mobile Juthe Mobile bears joined the club at Atlanta last have acquired Catcher Nick Koback on option from Hollywood of the Pacific coast the 24yearold Koback was sent la the bears on 24hour he the husky youth batted in 68 games for Williamsport of the class a Eastern league last sea he is rated a highly promising inc is Given support of 2 in Wrangle new York influential organizations were lined up be Hind the International boxing club today in its stand against government proposal the inc Sayi could mean an end to boxing As television has made in this Corner Julius chairman of the powerful new York state athletic in the same Corner Tom sports director of the National broadcasting which telecasts the weekly Friday night both strike blows both struck key blows for the inc while testifying yesterday be fore Federal judge Sylvester Ryan in the governments monopoly suit against the its sub and club officials James Norris and Arthur judge who has declared the inc guilty of antitrust regu lations in conspiring to Monopo Lize promotion of is con hearings to determine the extent of penalties to be the government wants the inc dissolved and Norris and Wirtz compelled to sever connections with the clubs two main bases o Madison Square Gar Den and Chicago gallery agree the inc contends such Steps would damage boxing and yester Day Helfand and gallery agreed under questioning by defense at Torney Kenneth Roy Helfand said sponsors of the Friday nigh to fights probably would with draw their support if the Garden was not permitted to continue the asked what effect it would have on the commissioner Salt bluntly i dont think you would have any gallery testified Abc would no be interested in contracting for less than 52 weekly bouts a year Chattanooga la til put three he Tot Only one scratch single in nine lines St relinquishing his Itle to Memphis sob where Roseboro brute Vern Morgan and Mon Killebrew sailed through in top giving Lookout hurl ers Sll the support necessary to Best the Chicks three in a Row an almost unheard of feat two weeks third one happens the third so called Miracle happened wednesday Veteran Al Sims holding the Mem hians o three runs for s 73 the loss left Memphis Only games ahead of rained out at Little in hard edged out Mobile 65 o move up a game on the Chicks and stay just ahead of Chatta new Orleans won its third straight from with newcomer Stan Johnson pitching s five hitter in his debut or the and Killebrew again led the attack against each getting two Morgan collected a pair of Roseboro went none for in the the first three sluggers have got 16 of Chatta Hoogas 27 hits and driven Home 11 out of 18 Stock 27yearold Veteran Outfield was most consistent with six hits and seven Sima wins 4 s 34yearold seasoned Southpaw who served As a Relie Man in picked up his fourth win without a scattering nine Martin who lost his first game for the Chicks Las week while giving Atlanta Only four was loser again wednes lasting until the seventh when Harry Perkowski took Over to lefty Jack Odonnell Hung up his third win in three nights in a Relief role for the crack ers pushed across a tie breaking run in the 10th inning for the de Crawford Davidson hit three run Homer for the losers while Buck Riddle got one with bases empty for a right hander new or leans acquired from Richmomd this out dulled birding hams Frank White in his firs league Ken Hunt helped him at the knocking in All Thi he got a Homer in the fourth Frame for and drove in tin clincher in the Bottom of the White gave no eight by the associated press american league batting based on 75 at bats runs batted washing and Simpson Ansas Home pitching based on s decisions Kansas National league batting based on 75 at bats runs batted Brooklyn and Home stolen new 15 new baseball summary a Mericak league won lot be Fol Chicago 20 Cleveland new York 17 Detroit 17 Boston 16 Kansas City 14 Baltimore 12 Washington 9 25 wednesdays results Kansas City Washington 6 Baltimore Detroit 3 10 inn nos Chicago new York 4 Boston wednesdays Indianapolis Omaha 3 Paul s Minneapolis Charleston Wichita 9 53 Plymouth Belvedere one mechanically two tone of tic Nice inside and 54 Ford for Dor new clean and a real economical six Cylinder a fisc family Yoto 53 Dodge 4door Coronet two tone Green and c7qr White Wall tires and the buy of the week v 56 Chevrolet Belair actual turn two tone Blue and White finish and just like 54 Mercury Monterey sports original Interior like Merco Matic Whitewall tires and Nice two tone Green and White 54 Chevrolet 2door cleanest in new turn mechanically right and two tone paint 55 Dodge 4door custom one super red ram Power flite White Wall c1qqc tires and two tone Blue ylo9v 53 Pontiac 4door chieftain Hydra Matic White Wall clean two tone paint and a fisc loaded with 55 Plymouth 4door Savoy two tone one Low tires like new and a super perfect car 50 Pontiac 2door straight original Black finish and excellent Anniston motor your Dodge Plymouth dealer 9th Wilmer and 66371 Cincinnati Milwaukee Brooklyn Philadelphia Louis new York Chicago to games scheduled National league won Loit behind 22 19 18 i 10 10 11 13 is 18 19 21 Lla j2vs 2w 4vi 7a Wichita at Paul Indianapolis at Minneapolis Louisville at Omaha Charleston at Denver Pacific coast league won lost pet Hollywood 25 15 Vancouver 32 15 san Franciso 23 16 los Angeles 21 Seattle 21 san Diego 19 Portland 12 Sacramento wednesdays results san Francisco san Diego 2 Jos Angeles Portland 2 Hollywood Sacramento 1 Vancouver Seattle 0 Pittsburgh wednesdays results new York Chicago 3 Milwaukee Philadelphia s 13 innings Cincinnati Brooklyn 1 Pittsburgh at Louis rain today schedule Louis at Cincinnati n Only game scheduled Southern association won lost Behuni Memphis 24 12 Nashville 16 1v4 Atlanta 19 8 12 Chattanooga 20 19 Little 18 new 23 22 Mobile 13 25 wednesdays results Atlanta Mobile 5 10 innings Chattanooga Memphis 3 new Orleans Birmingham 1 Little Rock at Nashville rain today schedule Mobile at a Tanta Memphis at Little Rock at Nashville Birmingham at new Orleans Atlantic league won lost behind 23 11 Charlotte Augusta Knoxville Savannah Columbus Columbia Jacksonville Mac on 24 19 17 17 17 17 12 13 20 18 19 19 21 25 i 7 7 8 12v4 wednesdays results Macon Columbus 7 Jacksonville Savannah 1 Columbia Augusta 2 Charlotte Knoxville 6 today schedule Columbus at Savannah Jacksonville at Macon Columbia at Knoxville Charlotte at Augusta International league won lost behind toronto18 11 Richmond 14 Havana 19 Columbus Rochester Al 20 wednesdays besult8 Toronto Rochester 4 Columbus Miami 1 Richmond Havana Buffalo at Montreal rain today schedule Columbus at Miami Buffalo at Montreal Only games scheduled 7 714 Dallas Houston san Antonio Austin fort Worth Texas league woo lest 25 ill in 18 17 10 14 19 21 to 15 19 13 it Shreveport 19 wednesdays results Dallas san Antonio 3 Austin fort Worth 1 Houston Oklahoma City i Sheport Tuua 80 today s schedule Dallas at Sun Antonio fort Worth at Austin Oklahoma City at Houston Tulsa at Shreveport 1 american association woo lost Wichita 23 10 St Paul 21 11 Minneapolis 13 18 18 Charleston is 21 Omaha 14 Denver 13 17 t pet pet 565 432 111 18 20 21 22 27 Ezell take openers in ladies play the Parks and recreation departments ladies league tuesday night with two frees Corin in the the Allstar Defeated behind the four hit pitching of Edith Sybil Mathews caught the los for hitting for the Al stars Hele Taylor a a double and single Shirley Mallet tee a trial and a single Jean Tyson three sin Gles Edith Craft two singles Jeweldean Smith a Home run Midred Kidd a hitting for Bynum Diane me Michaels a Home run Sybil a Barbara Manors and Shir Ley Cain a single in the second Ezell Defeated Geannette Heede got the win for Ezell and Pat me Minn caught the loss for hitting for Ezell Mary Thomp son three singles Grace Buice single Frances Sullee two singles Elizabeth Roberts three singles Lucy Hamilton three Dougle and a triple Ruth Kilgor a single Dot Kelley a double an a triple Barbara Buice two sin Gles Annette Reeder three single and a triple Barbara Mckee Home run and two hitting for be Carolyn Glove a single Pearl Prater two sin Gles Shirley Ledbetter two singles Becky Haynes two singles mar Cohee a single Linda Morgan single and a double Pat Mclim two singles Jean Tankersley the ladies league plays o tuesday and thursday nights a Ezell games Are at an scots beat germans Germany up Scotland Defeated 3 in an International soccer mate wednesday before a crowd of 75 000 is neck it ballets its Hyrtl but Bob Feller was a scant eight years older than 9 year old Jerry Johnson when he joined the Cleveland indians and parted the baseball world with his blazing last now re Bob visited the Atlanta boys club and got together with Sand Lotter Jerry to give him some pointers on hurling in re turn Jerry made Bob an honorary member of the league leaders today sports Parade by 09car Fraley new York hit of float widely travelled athlete in the world in a handsome texan named Billy who this year will travel More than Miles giving Bowling Billy was in new Jersey today he is in san two Days later hell he n Oklahoma City and shortly after that hell be in sure glad now i decided against either baseball or smiles the 4inch 220pound 1 just love to travel and 1m glm How Dull it would be spend no a week in one Only 25 years could have made the Grade As a Catcher or a pro golfer when he left the University of Thomas in his native he was a big hit Ter in both sports and a scratch golfer at never sorry for Choice but i decided you last longer in Bowling and he while i was in school i could bowl every night and keep my hand so Bowling it was and Ive never been sorry for a to he now a touring exhibitionist for the relaxed easygoing Young giant bowled with the National match game champions in 195455 and 195556 won the Abc doubles in 1954 and was on Bowling All America team in taking his degree in Billy had to decide which Way his athletic inclinations led and that when Bowling won he Hooker on with a top Louis team and knew he had made a fortunate Choice in his first he earned better than Billy can bowl you have to really be Able to bowl to Roll up that kind of Mon Billy he rolled a three game High of his 806 series is the second highest Ever rolled on television and right now lie hat total of 10 perfect 300 potential 800 game produced one of the funniest things that Ever happened to he laughs there was an Alley Iti Louis where 1 worked out a great Deal and 1 never had rolled 300 one afternoon f rolled 11 straight strikes and needed Only one More for my perfect he but As 1 began my a the heating duct Over the Lane broke and 1 was blinded by a face full of the Ball rolled in the there went my Billy Welu can laugh at a Mem Ory which would turn most bowl ers after there Are a lot More 300 games in the Wood for this Young fellow As he you cant beat the change of Haggs is favorite in sky tournament Lene Bauer Hagge of was the logical favorite As play began today in the first annual land of the sky women Golf the sentimental was school teacher Marge the North Carolina state Matetu Champion from who has a thorough knowledge of 6cal par71 Call Gordon White used car this week 1955 Studebaker Champion 6 2door Sedan has seat and Whitewall Dudley Young automobile next door to radio building 1328 Noble Street phone and 64881 cooking is fun with the 1957 Kelvin Tor and old Range fully automatic 1957 Kelvin Tor Washer Only weekly Down and old Washer Wilmer Don phone;

Anniston Star, May 23, 1957, p. 18 | NewspaperArchive (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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